Course Name | Course Description | Course Length | Course Cost | Course Instructor | Educational Series | Availability Dates |
Lighting Design Awareness | This foundational course is the first place to begin as a designer. We’ll develop one’s skills for awareness, observation, and understanding the concept of the ‘whole.’ The main focus in this course is on the principles of composition. We’ll also discuss the importance of design critiques and the concept of atmosphere and ‘affect.’ This course was developed from Mark Carlson’s book. | 7-weeks | $850 | Mark Carlson | Design | April / July |
Design Skills I | This course is part of a 3-part series that’s dedicated to develop designer skills so that they can begin to function in this role. We’ll cover the design process, as well as basic practices. An understanding of how to work with and use bubble plans, conceptual plans, and how to perform relative-scale drawings will be taught. | 4-weeks | $550 | Mark Carlson | Design | March / July / November |
Design Skills II | This is part 2 of the design skills series that addresses the decision-making aspect of lighting design. We’ll discuss how to perform a site analysis and walk-through of the job site, as well as understand how to ‘zone’ lighting jobs based on function, atmosphere, and other concerns. Much of this course teaches the student how to make decisions based on the information gathered. | 3-weeks | $450 | Mark Carlson | Design | June / August |
Design Skills III | This is part 3 of the design skills series and it addresses documentation and its importance. We’ll look at how the designer has an important part in the legal ‘control’ of the project, as we discuss specifications, details, and basic codes. We’ll provide access to detailed information to support the designer. | 3-weeks | $450 | Mark Carlson | Design | November |
Course Name | Course Description | Course Length | Course Cost | Course Instructor | Educational Series | Availability Dates |
Design-Centric Client Relations | This foundational course is a critical first-step for designers or salespeople in understanding how to better serve a client and build a strong, trusting relationship. These relationships will last a lifetime and they will ensure repeat services to your company. We’ll teach two great techniques that will guarantee a return on investment–design fees and service maintenance agreements (SMA). This training is considered, “The Mitchell Process”…one created by Chris Mitchell that is highly effective. | 7-weeks | $1050 | Chris Mitchell | Business | February / May / October |
Business Leadership I | This course is taught by an outsider to our design community, but this learning is greatly relevant to all trades or professions. Oakland is a proven leader having served for 3 decades in the US Army. This course is part of a 2-part series and will address several topics related to business leadership–goal setting, critical thinking, limitations, and motivation. | 4-weeks | $550 | Oakland McCulloch | Business | March / July |
Business Leadership II | This is part 2 of the leadership series and it will address team building, communications, and getting results. All business operators will gain great value out of Oakland’s training, especially those intent on change and betterment. | 3-weeks | $450 | Mark Carlson | Business | April / August |
Business Operations & Systems | This course is an overview and understanding of the basic systems and operational needs for small-scale, landscape lighting businesses. We’ll look at structure, control, accounting (AP/AR), inventory, scheduling, QA/QC, and administrative efforts to support the business. | 5-weeks | $650 | Chris Mitchell/TBD | Business | September |
Succession Planning | This course will address the importance of and planning aspect of one’s succession out of the business. This education is greatly needed, as most business operators never plan for this or they wait until it’s too late. A good succession plan will provide for transitional ease and it can ensure residual benefits to those retiring. Finding your replacement is a challenging task–this course will help you prepare. | 4-weeks | $550 | Chris Mitchell/TBD | Business | December |
Course Name | Course Description | Course Length | Course Cost | Course Instructor | Educational Series | Availability Dates |
Lighting Applications I | This course is part of a 2-part series and will first begin with the basic lighting applications and when is best to utilize them. We’ll look at the various types of products associated with applications, as well as quality considerations. Most of this training will be focused on design aspects of product use. | 5-weeks | $650 | Chris Carey/Mark Carlson | Applications | March / June / September |
Lighting Applications II | This course is part 2 of the applications series and it will address deeper insights into ‘good’ lighting design. We’ll discuss glare control and concealment methods, as well as how to create depth with lighting levels. Lastly, we’ll discuss ways to consider or enhance mood and to develop atmosphere. These skills will aid the lighting designer in performing more advanced applications. | 4-weeks | $550 | Chris Carey/Mark Carlson | Applications | September / November |
Control Methods & Devices | This course will focus on the devices and methods used to control landscape lighting systems. We’ll discuss manual and automatic controls, as well as the following methodology (mechanical, digital, wired and wireless). This is great understanding for all designers. | 4-weeks | $550 | TBD | Applications | July / November |
Cable Distribution Methods | This course will focus on the methods for distributing lighting cables depending upon the complexity of the project. We’ll address the ways to ‘code’ cable runs for ID purposes, as well as understand the concerns of performance, quality, and flexibility in one’s systems. A basic understanding of Ohm’s law and other calculations will be reviewed, and supporting documentation to learn. | 3-weeks | $450 | TBD/Mark Carlson | Applications | July / November |