ELLI was created to provide a balance between the creative and scientific aspects of the landscape lighting profession. Currently, the lighting industry is primarily Technology-Centric, when our focus should be on the Human-Centric. Technology, business, and efficiency are all important, but our industry has set design off to the side. ELLI only wishes to ensure that Design is an equal partner in this practice.
The lighting designer is the best person to advance the future of this trade. Therefore, ELLI will concentrate its efforts on this understanding. ELLI has provided a pathway to successful advancement to help raise-the-bar for the lighting industry.
As discussed under ELLI’s Purpose, it is most important to develop “Awareness” if one is to advance properly. This includes our ability to observe, communicate, and apply light within nature and landscaped environments. ELLI is the only offering to explore and understand the psychology behind light and how it affects human emotion. Human perception is part of this understanding.
ELLI is important because it is the only educational offering that utilizes the principles of composition, as found in art, as its foundational building block to advance artistic skillsets. Although these principles are not new to the world, they are new to landscape lighting, as a developmental tool. Therefore, ELLI is paving the way for the future generations of landscape lighting providers.
Both consumers and trade professionals are at a loss to explain what we provide for the overall good of society. This messaging needs to be simple and clear. If we were to condense everything associated with lighting, then it all comes down to providing:
“Betterment in Human Health”
Light and Nature both have the inherent ability to provide positive psychological and physiological benefits to human kind. Many studies have already shown that these contributing factors act as a restorative tool in well-being. As we know, many human ailments are developed by stress, life style, and working conditions. Effective lighting applications can provide a means to counter these negative influences.
The benefit of using Light and Nature as a healing mechanism is that it is non-invasive, non-addictive, and relatively lower in cost, as compared to current treatments with drugs. Obviously, this is a big deterrent for big-pharma companies. But, to the rest of the world, it’s a huge, ‘win-win’.
If lighting designers can unify on this position and on our message, then not only can we be better respected, but we can lead the way in this need. ELLI is at the forefront of this development and will prioritize this understanding.
The photographic section of this gallery is the most beneficial to anyone wishing to provide better landscape lighting designs. All photos exhibited on this site were selected according to the established ELLI standards for recognition. These photos serve two purposes: 1) to identify individual lighting designers who excel at the highest level in this professional practice, and 2) to provide excellent examples of the various landscape lighting categories.
The primary goal of the photo gallery is to provide cognitive thought—this is the first real step in advanced learning. The second step in achieving change is by practicing these techniques with real lighting applications. If one spends time studying these photos, then they can learn to observe and understand what ‘good’ design looks like. Questioning what one sees and feels about each photographed space is part of this process.
ELLI provides the information necessary to perform these measures within its training program. The photos are part of a reference library, which supports one’s growth.